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 on: January 24, 2010, 03:24:49 PM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by Hannu

I have not visited this site for a long time and not noticed this question.

Raakel is right. I did get the knowledge afterwards and mailed it to Bob.

There has been a period when US authorities demanded the initials of the engraver on imported birds, just like Raakel wrote.  I do not know the reason or the time for how long it lasted but it is dated at the time of the Birds of Passage. Whether the way of importing/exporting is essential I do not know.

There may also exist other initials than IT. BTW Inkeri Toikka engraved quite a lot of signatures on birds and other art glass in Nuutajarvi, I mean in a "normal way".

Happy springtime to all Toikka bird-lovers!

 on: December 08, 2009, 12:38:20 PM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by nokikana
   Thank you Rakaal !  That is very helpful.  Smiley  We thought " IT " stood for Inkeri Toikka, but did not understand why she would sign a bird. There are two different styles of writing - two people perhaps? I posted pictures of my birds and the signatures on this web site in my "Album" - see: 
   Hannu asked Oiva about these IT signatures, and he did not remember, or know, about them. But it appears that these birds were for export, and to the USA. That they were sold by airlines and airports, and by AMEX is new information for me.  Thank you!  Now I will try my Finnish -  Shocked

Kiitos Rakaal! Tämä on erittäin hyödyllistä. Smiley Ajattelimme "IT" seisoi Inkeri Toikka, mutta ei ymmärrä, miksi hän allekirjoittaa lintu. On olemassa kaksi eri tyylejä kirjallisesti - kaksi eri ihmistä kenties? I lähetetty kuvia minun lintujen ja allekirjoitukset This web site in my "Album" - katso:
   Hannu kysyi Oiva näistä IT allekirjoitukset, ja hän ei muistanut, tai tietää niistä. Mutta näyttää siltä, että nämä linnut olivat vientiä varten, ja Yhdysvaltoihin. Että ne myyvät lentoyhtiöt ja lentoasemat sekä AMEX on uutta tietoa minulle. Kiitos! Nyt yritän minun Suomi -  Shocked

 on: December 08, 2009, 06:52:56 AM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by Raakel
While years ago some O.Toikka birds (like baby crow) has sold in U.S.A and if somebody else like artist himself has make the signature of item, he/she must make own initial too ( I dont know, is it law or something like that). IT mean INKERI TOIKKA, Oiva Toikka´s wife, who has make the signature and so she must make she own initials all that birds witch has sold in U.S.A. All birds witch has sold in Finland or any other countries are without that IT mark. Information what I have get, baby crow has sold in U.S.A aircrafts and airports by AMEX. I hope you understand what I mean, my english is not good. Smiley Raakel

 on: December 03, 2009, 06:59:40 PM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by nokikana
   Some Toikka birds are signed with an engraved IT or IT. - which is not the II denoting a 2nd class bird. They are fully signed birds - "O. Toikka Nuutajarvi", with IT below and to the right. Some of the birds are "special" items, while others are examples of catalog birds. All are solid glass, except one. All have the iittala " i " over "Made in Finland" type of label, except one which has no label (probably lost).

   There are at least two different "hands" signing (engraving) these birds. Below are 6 birds in my collection signed with "IT" or "IT."

Name                                   Label                        Solid / Hollow Special/Catalog

Snow Goose            iittala  "i - Made in Finland" label         Solid         Catalog
Green Snow Bunting    No label – absent                          Solid         Catalog
   (Vihrea Pulmu)
Red Whip-poor-will     iittala  "i - Made in Finland" label       Solid         Special
   Rautarukki USA
Silver-Grey Penguin   iittala  "i - Made in Finland"  label       Solid         Special
Lilac (Pink) Penguin   iittala  "i - Made in Finland"  label       Solid         Special
Baby Crow               iittala  "i - Made in Finland"  label       Hollow       Catalog?

   Do you know the meaning of IT?
   Do you have any other birds signed with an "IT" or "IT."?

If so, please reply.

 on: June 19, 2009, 11:48:39 AM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by nokikana
A general question to the entire forum - can you help me, and us?
   I posted a collection of pictures of the labels used by the various companies that have sold Toikka birds. You may view them on my "Album" under "Nokikana". Bob and I are trying to determine the years that each style of label was used. Can you help us?
   If so, please post your information here under this "Topic". Please tell us the style of label, the name of the bird it is on, and the year (or years) the bird was made. We are especially interested in birds that were made for only one year, a special anniversary or event, or annually. We are primarily interested in the "Nuutajarvi - Made in Finland", "Nuutajarvi - Wartsila - Finland", and the ARABIA labels at this time.
   When completed the collection will be moved to the General Gallery, to assist people trying to date the birds in their collection.
Thank you - Kiitos!  Smiley
 - Nokikana

 on: April 25, 2009, 04:29:55 AM 
Started by nokikana - Last post by nokikana
Hi everyone -
   I would like to ask the forum for their collective knowledge about the Jänkätirri & Kulorastas. Both birds were made from 2000-2001 for iittala mail order service / online sales - according to "Birds by Toikka". I have encountered only one Kulorastus (listed on eBay), and have not seen a Jänkätirri offered anywhere, over the past 16 months.
   Does anyone know how many of these birds were made? Why are they so uncommon, and so rarely listed at auction?  And of course, if you want to sell me yours....I'm all ears!  Smiley

 on: March 30, 2009, 01:23:29 PM 
Started by bob - Last post by bob
Welcome everyone....
Discuss whatever you like in this forum, but please remember that it is a toikka bird site for toikka collectors.  Please keep the discussions about toikka birds.  If posters don't respect that, then we will soon find that this forum is so full of off-subject postings that no one will bother to use it any more.

 on: February 27, 2009, 04:41:56 PM 
Started by bob - Last post by bob
Welcome, enjoy the forum!  We are currently working very hard on data input.  The site is also going through some changes and improvements.  Please feel free to come by often to check in and see what's happening.  We are hoping this forum will be a great place for collectors from all over the world to communicate with one another.

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